Cyber Monday Special (Extended): One Time Offer For You...
Social Prompts Unlimited!
Normally 2 year subscription is $2328
Get it TODAY for a One Time Payment of $197!
Plus NO Waiting! You get Immediate Access to ALL 730 Prompts for all your Content Creation Needs, PLUS ALL the Bonuses!
That's Right, Instant Access to EVERYTHING! (Over 87.25% Off!!!)
Create Content That Makes Sales!
Spend Less Time Wondering What Content To Create And More Time Talking With Your Audience About Your Offers

It’s the depth of your relationships that matters.
How much stress would that relieve, knowing that your content connects with your audience and gets them excited about buying your offers?
Right now you aren’t creating content because you don’t see the ROI. It’s crickets when you email or post. What’s the point of taking all that time to create it if no one is going to engage with it?
You have no idea what you’re supposed to say in your emails, on your blogs, or social media and feel totally overwhelmed or even turned off about all the content you’re told you’re supposed to do to grow a successful online business.
You’re exhausted mentally from all the courses and training on content strategies that have resulted in no clear action plan for you and are still stuck staring at a blank screen wondering what to write or record.

You’re stuck with content strategies that are too complicated, don’t sound like you, or haven’t worked and are exhausted with all the effort you’re putting in with no rewards for your actions.
You want to create content that leads to paying clients.
Bottom line is, you’re tired of creating content just to create content. You want to inspire, motivate, and educate your audience and lead them to buying your offers.
What if you didn’t have to spend hours of time agonizing over what kind of content you need to create on a daily basis but had access to a resource that guides you to create content that creates conversations?
And not some cut and paste templates that everyone else is doing, but juicy content in your own words that’s authentic to you and your brand.
What you want is to create authentic content that your audience is curious about and starts a two way dialogue, which nurtures the relationship and leads them to the sale.

It's not just about creating content.
It’s really about creating true connections with your audience, so they're drawn to you and what you have to offer them.
When you do this in a way that feels natural for both of you, you truly make a difference in their lives, by helping them with their big challenges, and helping your business thrive financially and make the big impact you envisioned.
The key to content creation is rooted in the social science of human behavior. And this starts with a conversation.
Introducing Social Prompts

The Complete Content Creation System Combining Purpose, Plan, & Participation To Build Your Audience and Lead Them To Buying Your Offers
Social Prompts helps you:

Connect with your audience at a DEEPER level by creating content that has substance to it. Have real conversations with your audience that will lead to relationships...the basis of the MOST successful businesses!
Invite your audience into your world and invite them to work with you. You'll take your audience down a natural path to work with scammy sales pitches, but a natural chat they've been waiting to have with you!
Position yourself as an expert to let your audience know that you got their back! They won't be able to think of anyone else when you create content to position yourself as the expert you are!
Creating Purposeful Content Makes A Difference!

Join Social Prompts & Access All of This!
Because you're a Social Prompts Unlimited purchaser, you'll receive IMMEDIATE access to 2 years worth of Content Creation Prompts that you can start using right away! No Waiting!
Social Prompts can be used to create content on emails, blog posts, social media...the possibilities are endless!
With each daily Social Prompt, you’ll get image inspiration to support your content and add to your story telling experience. Stock photography resources are also included to help you get started.
Also included is a daily question you can ask your audience, called a Conversation Catalyst. You can use this question in your content to start a two way dialogue with your audience.
Social Prompts are based on psychological triggers designed to create engagement with your audience. This allows you to create content that’s authentic to your brand and in your own voice!
With Social Prompts you’ll create juicy content that gets your audience interested in learning more about you and naturally leads them to buying your offers.

Available Anytime:
You’ll have access to your membership platform where you can access your Social Prompts anytime.
Because you're a Social Prompts Unlimited purchaser, you'll receive IMMEDIATE access to 2 years worth of Content Creation Prompts that you can start using right away! No Waiting!
Use Social Prompts for all of your content...emails, blogs, social can create content for all your platforms!

Easy to Use:
Social Prompts can be used for all of your content creation in your business. You can mix and match what Social Prompts to use and how you’ll use them, whether it’s written, audio, or video content. You can create content on a daily basis or batch create for the future. You’ll also get ideas for images to support your content with the Image Inspiration included on each Social Prompt, along with stock photography resources if you don’t have those images handy.

Quick to Implement:
If you don’t have a lot of time, you can easily implement Social Prompts with the Conversation Catalyst question included with each prompt. Use this question to start a conversation with your audience in your emails, social media, and groups. Plus, with Social Prompts, you’ll get an idea for your next piece of content quickly and then you get to decide how much detail you put into it, since the content is in your own words!
Here's a Sneak Peek Inside Social Prompts!
Watch This Video To Learn How To Use Social Prompts to Create Engaging Content
Social Prompts is your resource to help you create content with purpose, plan, and participation!
Purpose: Your reasoning behind every piece of content you create, whether it's a social media post, blog, email, sales should have a purpose and reason behind every piece of content you create that resonates with your audience and makes sense for your business.
Plan: The BIG picture behind your content... planning ahead leads your audience down a path to create connections, work with you, buy your offer, collaboration or referrals. And a good plan reduces content overwhelm!
Participation: How you get your audience to engage with you...with real conversations that create meaningful conversations and lead to deeper relationships where all the magic happens in your business!

Who’s behind Social Prompts? It’s me Melissa Pruitt!

I’ve been creating content for over a decade and I’m stoked to help you create engaging content that helps you connect with your audience at an even deeper level!
How do I know I can help you? Because I’ve been doing this work my entire life!
I've had a ton of different experiences that have led me down this path..therapist, life coach and national trainer, author, speaker (you may have seen me on the TEDx stage!), and content creator and business coach for our own multi six figure business with my husband Paul.
I've worked with a lot of different types of people to understand how people's minds work and how to talk to people so they get you..that's the nerdy side of me!
My first book focused on helping people build a daily mindset practice to set their intentions for the kind of day they wanted to create. I've seen great results with people who have put this practice into action, when they know what to do and take consistent action.

So Social Prompts takes that same concept to help you get crystal clear on your daily message and consistent with your delivery, so you can connect at an even deeper level with your audience!
My role in our businesses has always been content creation. I’ve built all of our sales pages and opt-in pages that have led to successful launches and built our own audience of curious and excited individuals excited to hear what we have to say. I’ve built Paul's social media platforms to tens of thousands of followers through engaging content, before shifting gears to start building my own. I’ve reviewed hundreds of entrepreneurs sales pages, opt-in pages, and marketing materials to give them feedback for improvement, resulting in major wins in their businesses, including increased conversions and higher engagement.
All of the content you create should have a purpose to lead your audience to naturally be interested in buying your offers. Content with a purpose, a plan for results, and the intention of creating participation is powerful.
I believe in creating real connections with real people. No vanity metrics. I'm a huge believer that when you give value to your audience that you will receive a huge give back in return.

And I want to see this happen for you with your audience. Get started creating content with Social Prompts!
Get an extra $567 in Bonuses when you join Social Prompts today!

Bonus #1: Marketer’s Map Masterclass
Value $297.
The Marketer’s Map Masterclass is our Signature Framework that will change the entire way you look at your marketing plan. This training will teach you how to meet your audience where they’re at and communicate with them so they connect with you and are more receptive to buying your offers. Watching the Marketer’s Map Masterclass will help you create a content plan that is purposeful and leads to paying clients and customers!
The Marketer’s Map Masterclass includes 9 training videos and a support workbook PDF to help you create your content plan.
Bonus #2: Story Templates
Value $97
Have more fun with your audience and create even more engaging conversations! Story Templates are images of an engaging question you can use on your Instagram and Facebook stories to get your audience talking to you more. Encourage your audience to share your stories with these templates, which gets them to participate more and also expand your network!
You’ll get access to One Year's Worth of Story Templates, with 4 unique designs per question!
Because you're a Social Prompts Unlimited purchaser, you'll receive IMMEDIATE access to 2 years worth of Content Creation Prompts, including Story Templates, that you can start using right away! No Waiting!

Bonus #3: Conversation Catalyst Calendar
Value $47
The key to successful businesses is relationships, and all relationships start with a conversation! The Conversation Catalysts Calendar gives you one engaging conversation to invite your audience into a two way dialogue with you, every day of the year!
This calendar will not only create REAL conversations with your audience, but save you so much time in planning your content!
Each day of the calendar features a purposeful Conversation Catalyst to engage with your audience. Use this for your social media content, blogs, emails..the possibilities are endless! This is more than a fluff question, but something to really build relationships with your audience!
Extra Bonus: This is a Digital and Evergreen calendar that you can use and refer to all year long!
Bonus #4: Social Prompts Engagement Tracker
Value $29.
Plan for ENGAGEMENT on all of the content you create!
The Engagement Tracker will help you build an audience who love what you do and are interested in your offers.
The no-brainer method for creating organic engagement on your content on a consistent basis
How to connect with the movers and shakers in your industry even if you’re just starting out
A simple way to track your engagement stats so won’t waste time creating dud content again

Bonus #5: Custom Meme Background Packs
Value $97
Social Prompts also includes awesome content creating resources, so you don't have to stress! There are hundreds of custom meme backgrounds, including holiday themed backgrounds (including USA, Canadian, UK, & Australia holidays) and stickers to help get you started!

Have a few more questions?
Social Prompts will help you create content that has a purpose, a plan for results, and creates participation!

Joining Social Prompts is like having a friend whisper in your ear exactly what to say to your audience that creates an enthusiastic response and naturally lead them to your paid offers.
And the sooner you join, the sooner you’ll create content that connects with your audience and lead to real relationships, which opens up more opportunities for them to work with you. Social Prompts isn’t a cut and paste, one size fits all system. It allows you to create content that shows your best self to your audience to attract the RIGHT clients to your offers.
Join now and access all of this!
Because you're a Social Prompts Unlimited purchaser, you'll receive IMMEDIATE access to 2 years worth of Content Creation Prompts that you can start using right away! No Waiting!
Social Prompts can be used to create content on emails, blog posts, social media...the possibilities are endless!
With each daily Social Prompt, you’ll get image inspiration to support your content and add to your story telling experience. Stock photography resources are also included to help you get started. Also included is a daily question you can ask your audience, called a Conversation Catalyst. You can use this question in your content to start a two way dialogue with your audience.
You’ll get access to One Year's Worth of Story Templates, with 4 unique designs per question! Story Templates are images of an engaging question you can use on your Instagram and Facebook stories to get your audience talking to you more. Encourage your audience to share your stories with these templates, which gets them to participate more and also expand your network!
Instant access to the Marketer’s Map Masterclass, which will teach you how to meet your audience where they’re at and communicate with them so they connect with you and are more receptive to buying your offers. Watching the Marketer’s Map Masterclass will help you create a content plan that is purposeful and leads to paying clients and customers!
Instant access to the Conversations Catalysts Calendar, a digital and evergreen calendar to help you engage with your audience everyday of the year
Instant access to the Social Prompts Engagement Tracker to help you track what content resonates with your audience, so you create more of what they want
Instant access to hundreds of custom meme backgrounds, including holiday themed backgrounds (including USA, Canadian, UK, & Australia holidays) and stickers to help you create visual elements for your content!

I created Social Prompts for Entrepreneurs & Business Owners who are ready to:
Create REAL relationships with their audience. This isn't about staying surface level but going deeper. And you do that through the Social Prompts provided to allow you to create authentic content that connects with your audience and naturally leads them to buying your offers.
Stay authentic to who you are as a business and a person. Social Prompts isn't a cut and paste, one size fits all system. This is you showing your best self to your audience to attract the RIGHT clients to your business.
A consistent, no brainer system. Social Prompts is your friend whispering in your ear when you don't know what to say. Use Social Prompts for all of your content, email marketing, blog posts, social media...the possibilities are endless!